Adventure Souls Demo
KB+M | Gamepad | |
Look | Mouse | RStick |
Move | WASD | LStick |
Sprint | LCtrlHold | B Hold |
LockOn | M3 | RStickPress |
LockLR | R/T | RStick |
Interact | E | A |
TwoHand | Hold E | Hold Y |
Use Item | Q | X |
Switch It | F | DPadDown |
RLight | M1 | RB |
RHeavy | M1+Shift | RT |
LLight | M2 | LB |
LHeavy | M2+Shift | LT |
Dodge | LCtrl | B |
Jump | Space | Y |
Menu | Tab | Menu |
Confirm | Enter | A |
The Debug button on the Title screen leads to a scene which demonstrated a lot of the features in a more condensed form.
A breakdown of the major parts of the demo can be found in the manual.