
Features a wide variety of items and objects. The hero character starts with a filled inventory and equipped items.

The white spheres in front of the destructible bushes contain lock on points which can be used to test out the lock on system. The slightly larger sphere also contains an test action that can be started as a context action whenever it is locked on. This could theoretically be used to read signs from a distance or talk to NPCs sitting out of regular action area reach.

The red blocks and spheres can be used to test out damage. The blocks have damages senders with different damage values, magnitudes and directions. The red capsule also contains a minimal enemy setup. This includes the stun resource so it can be used to test out the stunning nut equipment item.

The opposite side has some items that can be carried. The pots spawn different pickups as defined in Destroyed Prefab. The bombs ignite as soon as they are picked up which can not be found in the regular stages. The cylindric black CarryObject can be placed on the pressure place in front of it which can be detected in its Trigger.


This scene can be used to test out and debug the Entry logic that is defined in each scene and the Exit logic used by the HeroExitTrunk and HeroExitPassage objects.

It features two different Exits that both load back into HeroDebuggingLoading, they set Parameter to different values which is then used in the Entry visual script.

The timelines used when entering and exiting use a MarchTrack that moves the character towards a configured transform. These transforms are visualized with white spheres here.

The red box in the scene instantly kills the character which lets us test out the Die action and the Entry scenario with an empty Parameter.


Contains different variations of the HeroPassage prefab. Only HeroExitPassage is more of a variation on the HeroExitTrunk but using the model from the passage.

The root of the passage contains a StateManager that is used to set a couple different objects active or inactive together. For example if the HeroPassageLocked variant detects that it has previously been unlocked it sets the manager to the OPEN state. Otherwise we would have to separately deactivate both locks and activate the entry areas which would all have to be exposed to the visual script.

The enter actions themselves use a TimelineAction to open the passage, march the character through and then close it again. It activates different virtual cameras that show the character entering and exiting. The HeroReset signal is sent during the timeline which resets the third person camera to the camera position of the virtual camera.

The passage variants used in the Temple scene are described there. The Inland scene contains a passage exit blocked by a cracked wall.


This scene can be used to quickly try out combat. It contains three skeletons that pop up when the player enters their area. The player starts out with equipped sword, shield and equipment items.

The skeleton itself is also described in the Inland scene where the player usually first encounters that enemy.


Shows off a couple more things that could be done with the movable HeroBlock object in addition to its usage in the Temple scene.

There is a regular block in front of the character which can be pushed or pulled in any direction. To their right is a block that is limited in its movement. The block behind the player can be pushed into a hole with a trigger which activates a red sphere here. The raised area to the characters left can be used to test how a block behaves when it falls through a hole.


Contains a couple different ways to set up a CLIMB trigger for the HeroClimbAction.

The wall to the characters left combines three separate colliders into one rigidbody with a single trigger area. This allows us to have a hole in a wall using convex colliders. The climb action can only use one area at a time, moving between areas mid climb is not possible.

In front of the character is a plateau that can be used to test out pulling up onto a higher level. It also has a damage sender for testing out damage while the character is climbing.

The small platforms behind the player are climbable but too small to actually climb on. This results in the character always immediately pulling itself up onto the platform.


This scene is made to test the ground checker located in the sound transform in HeroSetup. The check is triggered whenever the character receives a STEP message and should play a different sound for each of the ground colors in the scene.